The Sacrament of Baptism is the first Sacrament of Initiation. It begins our journey of faith in the church. Attendance at a Baptism class is required for first time parents. It provides couples with a review of the Sacraments and an opportunity to gain knowledge of their responsibility to raise their children in the Catholic faith, as well as how the church will support them on this journey.
The class is offered every other month on the last Sunday of the month at 2:00 p.m. Information is given on the particulars of the Sacrament and selection of sponsors. There is an opportunity to ask questions and to walk through the church for a “dry run” with an explanation of the ceremony and its symbols.
Baptisms are held at St. John Capistran at 12:00 p.m. and St. Thomas More at 12:30 p.m. on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month.
If a couple is from out of town and has no family in the area, they may receive permission to have their baby baptized elsewhere. The same is true for out-of-towners who have all their family here. We welcome them back! Exceptions are handled as the need arises.
Parents are encouraged to call the parish office as soon as the child is born to give us the necessary information for paperwork and to sign up for the class.
Sponsors for Baptism
What is required for a person to serve as a godparent?
The person serving as godparent (sponsor) must meet the following requirements:
Be appointed by the parents or the one serving in their place
Be at least 16 years of age
Be a practicing Catholic who has been confirmed and received the Most Holy Eucharist, and who leads a life in harmony with the Church.
If married, be in a valid sacramental marriage.
A registered member of a Catholic Church for a minimum of three months.
Not be the father or the mother of the one to be baptized.
May we choose more than two godparents (sponsors) for our baby? May we use two godfathers in place of a godmother? A maximum of two godparents (sponsors) is allowed for the sacrament of baptism. Only one godparent (sponsor) is required for baptism, however it is customary to have two godparents (sponsors). If two godparents (sponsors) are identified, one must be male and the other female.
May a non-Catholic Christian serve as godparent (sponsor) at a Catholic baptism? In a Catholic baptism, a non-Catholic Christian may only be a witness, together with a Catholic godparent (sponsor). A former Catholic who now practices another religion may not serve as a Christian Witness, nor as a godparent (sponsor). Any questions concerning non-Catholic participation in baptism should be referred to the parish.
Adults who have not been Baptized and wish to find out more,